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Pastor's Blog



Pastor Melody

September 27, 2021

I got a new IWatch for Christmas. At first, I didn’t want something so “smart.” The idea of constantly getting emails and texts on my wrist didn’t seem appealing. But I have grown to LOVE my watch. One of the best features is that I can answer my phone with my watch. Sometimes… ok a lot of the time, I lay my phone down and go into another room. Yet, I can still answer my phone. It’s great! But there’s one feature that I still don’t know what I think about it.

Time to read: 4 minutes


Live the Mission of God

Anthony Currier, Youth Director

September 20, 2021

We all question the significance of our place in the world from time to time. We read how God has redeemed and claimed us as His own, and yet don’t truly understand what to do with such information other than to store it away in a mental filing cabinet or hang it on your wall as a bragging right. What are we honestly called to do with the message God communicated to us? Where do we fit into the greater story? Is the Gospel still relevant today?

Time to read: 4 minutes


The God of Always

By Pastor Drew

September 13, 2021

As I watched my youngest son play his first soccer game Saturday morning, I was praying for those countless families who were directly impacted by the loss of a loved one. I grieved for them. Because no, even after 20 years, we as a nation haven’t just “moved on.” We have certainly “moved forward” but as with any grief, I’m not sure you ever fully “move on.”

Time to read: 3 minutes


Thank you Christ Lutheran Church

Gregg Huether

September 6, 2021

You and your generosity continue to enable many ministries to make a difference in our local communities, throughout the nation and in the world today.This summer, you enabled me and a group of over 20 former classmates, friends and family to engage in a habitat build in my home-town of Yankton, South Dakota supporting a family who recently transitioned to the United States from Afghanistan. The Abraham family, a family of six, will in a few short months have a house they will make into a home.

Time to read: 3 minutes


Grandpa Love

Pastor Tenny

August 30, 2021

Anyone who has struggled with fertility issues you understand deeply the joy and the heartbreak that often accompanies the journey for many families who are hoping for children. Sherry and I were on this journey many years ago. Colin and Shannon, our son and daughter-in-law, have traveled down this road. And, I know, many of you have been on this journey as well. But, for Colin and Shannon, and for Sherry and me, our infertility journeys resulted in a beautiful, healthy child. And, for that, we are all so very grateful.

Time to read: 7 minutes


Helping a Person Die

Pastor Scott

August 23, 2021

Have you ever helped a person die?In John 12, it reads: Then Mary took a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, wiping his feet with her hair. Some disciples thought she was wasting expensive perfume while others thought it could be sold and given to the poor. Only Jesus knew what Mary was doing. By pouring on this perfume, she was anointing Jesus for his burial. She was helping a friend die.

Time to read: 6 minutes


My Time

Pastor Melody

August 16, 2021

This last week we talked about prayer in worship. It got me thinking about my prayer time. I’m good at praying at mealtimes, with my family, and at night before my kids go to bed. But other than that, I don’t have regular, defined prayer time. I have tried. Several years ago, I thought I would set up a regular sit down with just God and myself, nothing to distract me. I work at the church, so I decided to visit the sanctuary and just pray. This sounds like a peaceful time apart to focus all my attention… It didn’t work. There’re always things to do or someone to see and talk with when I’m at church. It was so hard to focus on God and not my to-do list. Then, I thought I would get up early and go on my back porch and read a devotion and pray. This didn’t work either because I like to sleep too much. But I do pray a lot without designated time.

Time to read: 4 minutes



Aimee Topping, Christ South

August 8, 2021

When I slow down and start to pay attention, it’s not hard to see God all around me. I don’t always understand why certain things happen when and as they do, but God’s hand shows up in the details when I need a reminder. Today was Pastor Matt’s last day at South and the sermon topic, picked weeks ago, was Get Found in Belonging. There is not a single better way to describe what Christ South means to me.

Time to read: 3 minutes


Can you really believe the Bible?

Pastor Drew

August 2, 2021

Yesterday my son Zach was given a set of Bible tabs. You attach the tabs on the first page of each book of the Bible so that you can find them easily. As he methodically put on the tabs—all 66 of them—I was silently praying for him. Praying that the Bible would be more than just another book on his shelf. 

Time to read: 3 minutes


A Child-Like Faith

Laura Scott

July 26, 2021

Each weekday, I have the privilege of walking into a “holy-chaos” full of glue, crayons, toys, bubbles and a lively group preschoolers. To some, this may not seem like a privilege, but to me it is a blessing. Every wide-eyed, cookie crumbed face is proof that God is faithful, and every crayon-masterpiece is a reminder that it has been God’s hand behind it all.

Time to read: 6 minutes


Update on Pastor Matt's Resignation

Pastor Scott

July 19, 2021

As I’ve been having several conversations with people about Pastor Matt’s resignation in terms of the stability of Christ South and the building of a worship center, after people get through the surprise and disappointment, they quickly move onto, “What are the next steps?” For that, I want to give you as many of those steps as I can see right now.

Time to read: 4 minutes


Fall Sunday Morning Schedule

Pastor Scott

July 12, 2021

We have said several times during Covid that long-term planning is something like three weeks out. Guidelines change, variant strains emerge, and people’s comfort levels fluctuate. How can you plan now for something even two months away?

Time to read: 4 minutes


Meet Our New Youth Ministry Team

Pastor Melody

July 5, 2021

We have been searching, and we have finally found the right fit!! Several months ago, our full time Youth Director, Caroline Targonski, moved to Texas because of her husband Blake’s new job. Then, our part time Youth Director at Christ South moved on as well. So, we had two positions open. It was hard to cover the responsibilities of youth ministry, but with the help of wonderful parents, youth ministry still happened at Christ Lutheran.

Time to read: 4 minutes


Spiritual Sidetracks

Pastor Matt

June 27, 2021

I preached recently on Spiritual Sidetracks (Mark 5:21-43 NRSV) and this blog is a reflection on that particular message. If you’d like to hear the complete message, look at and look for the videos section. You should be able to access it by Tuesday at 5pm.

Time to read: 4 minutes


To Give or Not to Give…to Panhandlers?

Pastor Drew

June 20, 2021

Sitting in your car at the corner of two busy roads, a person walks slowly towards you down the median, sign in hand, “Homeless. Anything helps. God bless you.” 

Time to read: 4 minutes


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