Answering the Call to Help in Ukraine
Pastor Scott - April 26, 2022
On February 24, Russia launched its invasive, devastating war in Ukraine making today, April 26, the writing of this blog, Day 61. The pictures look like a World War II siege with a scorched earth strategy of driving the civilian population of Ukraine down to the point of desperation. With so many unrecorded deaths and mass graves, it is difficult to determine a body count, but by all measures, most of the dead were civilians.
Countries and citizens around the world have stepped up in their support:
• Poland has opened its borders to refugees
• Individual from around the world have arrive individually to help as needed
• Military and humanitarian aid has streamed in worldwide
• And Lutheran World Service (LWR)
Through the generosity of our Lutheran community, we have answered the call to help Ukraine through matching donations to LWR. Please see this attachment for a more complete report:
As we celebrate the good news of Jesus, we do so as Easter People. This means that we are more than hearers of the Word, but also doers. In publicizing the humanitarian efforts of LWR, Christ Lutheran has joined others around the country to raise more than $7 million to help with the people of Ukraine
Here are some of the highlights:
• In Ukraine, we are supporting health centers by providing supplies such as surgical and wound care kits, IV kits, defibrillators and stretchers. We are also providing ongoing support to six facilities that are being used to shelter internally displaced persons. Your love will provide nearly 60,000 nights of shelter for people who need a place to stay.
• In Poland, we are distributing emergency cash and vouchers to more than 1,300 refugee families for the next three months. We’re also integrating a referral system at these sites to protect women and children from sexual exploitation and abuse.
With about 6.5 million refugees and years of rebuilding, the need continues to grow. If you haven’t done so, there is still time to give, with the confidence that LWR is a reputable and effective charity that gets the money to the front line to make the greatest impact.
You can give online at This link can be used for your congregational gift or by your individual members. Or you can also give by mailing a check to Lutheran World Relief, PO Box 17061, Baltimore, MD 21297-1061. Please write "Ukraine match" in the memo line.
This is who we are. Easter People. Answering the call to help those in need.
Pastor Scott