
Stay Informed

Pastor's Blog


Where has the 1/3 Gone?

Amy Kochan, Church Council President

June 14, 2022

As I dropped my boys off at their last day of school on June 8th, I was filled with emotion. Some of it was because it was the last day of elementary school for my oldest Jackson, but as I sat briefly watching him enter elementary school for the last time, it hit me – this year was special – he had gone to school the entire year. Yes, restrictions were still in place, but he was there and so were his friends, every day since August. For the first time since 2nd grade, life felt normal. Let that sink in – since 2nd grade and now he was embarking on middle school.

Time to read: 3 minutes


Brakes. Neglected.

Pastor Tenny

June 7, 2022

You know when they start to squeal that it’s probably time to think about maybe someday possibly checking out how much is left on your brake pads? When the squealing turns to occasional rubbing metal sounds when you turn corners, you know that the time is getting closer. When the occasional rubbing metal turns to constant head-turning, metal-on-metal grinding…well…you know it’s time.

Time to read: 4 minutes


Letter to the Editor

Pastor Scott

May 31, 2022

Often on Saturday I will pick up the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal, sit on our porch with something cold to sip on, read through the paper, do the crossword puzzle and talk with Gretchen. It’s like a perfect afternoon.

Time to read: 3.7 minutes


On Following Someone Successful

Mark W Johanson

May 24, 2022

The year is 2005. I am a sophomore in high school. Somewhat aware of the proud legacy of my high school’s marching band, and admittedly reluctant to join a marching band altogether, I was invited by my friends to go to the band room to hang out during lunch. Upon entering the room, I was promptly stared down by hundreds of trophies all littered about the room: some in trophy cases, some on shelves, a few on the floor, and still others precariously leaning against the walls. Several were broken, most were more than ten years old, and all of them were covered with a thin layer of dust. The most intimidating were the two large trophies from 1976 and 1978, when the band had won national championships. Placed at the entrance to the room, these trophies almost felt like an idol that I was supposed to genuflect towards upon entering.

Time to read: 5 minutes



Pastor Ryan

May 16, 2022

These are the lyrics to a popular song, presently, by the artist Gayle. If you haven’t heard it, I don’t know that you’re missing out, but it is catchy. The essence of the hook is that the woman singing is mad. I mean, like, super mad at her boyfriend over breaking up.

Time to read: 5 minutes


My Cat Is Sticky…

Pastor Tenny

May 9, 2022

…oh, not literally. Not like she’s crawled under our stove and slathered her backside in grease or anything. But, she is sticky, meaning, wherever we are, she is. She sticks with us.

Time to read: 3 minutes


Jesus Doesn’t Take a Summer Vacation

Alexis Williams

May 2, 2022

In 2020, it was a very happy coincidence (or divine intervention) that here at Christ Lutheran we decided Online Ministry was a worthwhile endeavor. Two years later, our little virtual community is growing and trying to find a niche in this post-COVID world. I believe we have a unique opportunity to fill a void, eliminate your excuses, and continue spreading the Word of God.

Time to read: 4 minutes


Answering the Call to Help in Ukraine

Pastor Scott

April 26, 2022

Easter baskets! They’re one of the best traditions about Easter. They’re colorful, full of candy and goodies, and bring joy!

Time to read: 3 minutes


Easter Baskets

Pastor Melody

April 18, 2022

Easter baskets! They’re one of the best traditions about Easter. They’re colorful, full of candy and goodies, and bring joy!

Time to read: 4 minutes


Tractor Peace

Pastor Tenny

April 11, 2022

It’s old, but it runs better than it ever did.Many of you know that I have a restored antique tractor. It’s a 1941 John Deere Model B. Hearing it do its “putta-putta-putta” as it dutifully tows a wagon-load of people up a hill takes me back to my childhood. I love that sound! And so do many others.

Time to read: 5 minutes


An Ancient Christian Rite

Pastor Ryan

April 4, 2022

At the Last Supper, the disciples ate, probably sang songs, and we know they enjoyed each other’s company with food and wine. This would be the last time they would be together as they had; as a group doing life and ministry together. After that last supper everything would change. They didn’t understand it then but they would see Jesus in a new light. His rightful light, as the God incarnate. Knowing that everything would change for them, Jesus wanted to teach them. He wants to give them one final lesson. He knows that, soon enough, each of them would become leaders. Apostles, no longer disciples, sent out to start communities and teach the world the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ final lesson to them was to stay humble. Stay humble and not fall into the traps that the world has set for people of leadership.

Time to read: 4 minutes


Good Soil – Update on Christ South Building

Pastor Scott

March 28, 2022

While it may seem that little has been shared about building the worship center for Christ South, I can assure you that much is happening behind the scenes moving the project forward.

Time to read: 4 minutes


Urgent Community and/or Volunteer Needs

Amy Daniels

March 21, 2022

Christ Lutheran is a very generous congregation (in case you didn’t know). Our Benevolence Committee gives away at least 12% of every dollar given to the church

Time to read: 5 minutes


What a Weekend!

Pastor Melody

March 15, 2022

Our hands and bodies were FREEZING, but the Spirit was setting things on FIRE! That’s how I would describe the middle school retreat last weekend. What an amazing bunch of youth! What passionate adult leaders! What arock-solid Youth Director! What an amazing weekend!

Time to read: 5 minutes


The'll know we'RE Christians by our Low Prices

Pastor Ryan

March 8, 2022

My daughter got a special prize this Monday when she went into school. To receive the prize all she had to do was say a predesignated word and, voila, instant winner. The word was given to all the children in the class, well their parents. If the parents had read all the way through the newsletter then they would find instructions to have the child repeat the word to the teacher the next day and receive their prize.

Time to read: 4 minutes


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