
Stay Informed

Pastor's Blog


The Never-ending Journey

Pastor Ryan

July 22, 2024

When I walk with new Christians, people who, for the first time, are learning about God in their life, they are bombarded by miracles. I have no other way of saying it.

Time to read: 3 minutes


Christ Concord Land Sale

Pastor Scott

July 15, 2024

Instead of putting Christ Concord on the market through a broker, the Council decided instead to seek out specific organizations like Habitat for Humanity as a partner for affordable housing.

Time to read: 3 minutes


There is Power in ... Naps?

Pastor Adrienne

July 8, 2024

There is power in naps…I know what you might be thinking. Power naps, right? Power naps are great. You can take 15-20 minutes to rest and feel completely rejuvenated once you wake up.

Time to read: 3 minutes


A Sabbath Season

Pastor Ryan

July 1, 2024

On a cerebral level I understand that once upon a time Christians had it rough. Like, literally, being killed for the faith rough. I appreciate those Christians.

Time to read: 3 minutes


Deeper Dive

Pastor Scott

June 24, 2024

Have you ever heard a sermon and thought, “Yeah, but. . .”  You had questions, you wanted to go deeper on a certain point, you needed clarification on a topic?

Time to read: 3 minutes


Extreme Southern Hospitality

Eric Runge, Council President

June 17, 2024

I had always heard of “Southern hospitality” while growing up in Buffalo NY, but I was struck by the warm smiles and “bless your heart’s” that abounded upon my arrival to Charlotte more than 30 years ago.

Time to read: 3 minutes


A Changing Climate

Pastor Adrienne

June 10, 2024

A few years ago, I stopped watching the news. I had thought that being a grown up meant I needed to watch the 11 o’clock news before bedtime so I was informed for the next day, but eventually I stopped when I realized it was disrupting my sleep.

Time to read: 3 minutes


Off the Grid

Pastor Scott

June 3, 2024

Unless you are the Unibomber, living in a shack in the middle of nowhere, embedded in the woods of Montana wearing tinfoil on your head, can you really, truly be off the grid? 

Time to read: 3 minutes


A Day to Remember

Pastor Ryan

May 27, 2024

What is the greatest sacrifice you’ve ever made? I know sometimes it can seem like sparring even a moment is a huge sacrifice. But, really, when we think about it our time is a fraction of our lives.

Time to read: 3 minutes


It's Never Too Late

Pastor Adrienne

May 20, 2024

This weekend I graduated from United Lutheran Seminary in Pennsylvania. I finally finished my Master of Sacred Theology degree (STM), and it only took me ten years!

Time to read: 3 minutes


Why 100 Days of Prayer?

Pastor Ryan

May 13, 2024

I was in a group and a beautiful sentiment was offered in our conversation: there is no such thing as a bad prayer. They’re right.

Time to read: 3 minutes



Pastor Adrienne

April 29, 2024

When I introduce Family Ministry in our New Member class, I like to ask the question, “What are your first memories of church?”

Time to read: 3 minutes


While Mom's Away

Pastor Ryan

April 22, 2024

My wife left me, well, for a few days as she went on a trip. I had our two boys, and my job was to be Daddy. I have been a father for a while now. This is old hat.

Time to read: 3 minutes


Important Updates

Pastor Scott

April 15, 2024

With the vote on April 14 to cease worship at Christ Concord and to put the land up for sale, we find ourselves looking towards the horizon for a new vision from God to emerge...

Time to read: 3 minutes


100 Days of Prayer

Pastor Adrienne

April 8, 2024

We are starting a huge congregation-wide project! It is a new endeavor, and it doesn’t involve donations or service hours. It involves prayer!

Time to read: 3 minutes

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