
Pastor's Blog



Pastor Adrienne - April 29, 2024

When I introduce Family Ministry in our New Member class, I like to ask the question, “What are your first memories of church?” Sometimes it is the nursery; sometimes it is Sunday School or a special person they remember, but for many, it is Vacation Bible School. For me too, some of my earliest memories of church are VBS, whether it was at my home church or my grandparent’s church. There is something so memorable about that week!

Our Vacation Bible School is coming soon! This year we are taking a deep dive into scripture to learn about what living water is really about! Our theme for the week is “SCUBA” and it will help us dive into friendship with God.

Each day, the kids go to different stations including story time, music, crafts, snack, and recreation. Throughout the week, we will discover how God is a friend who is real, who loves us, who we can trust, is a friend forever, and is a friend to everyone. Our Bible stories will include how God shows Himself to Elijah through ups and downs, how God shows compassion to the people of Nineveh, how Jesus calms a storm, how Jesus dies and comes back to life.

VBS isn’t all about the decorations, activities, or even the stories. In this week, God is doing something amazing. In ways we cannot even know, the Holy Spirit is stirring and building faith in the whole community! We invite you to volunteer!

It really is an incredible week. If you haven’t volunteered for Vacation Bible School before, we will meet you at your comfort level! We already have teachers! We need shepherds to help guide our classes’  travel among the stations. If you can volunteer for a day, we’ll take it! We also have opportunities to help outside of the VBS morning hours. We have craft project packets that can be put together ahead of time. We can always use help with decorating and take down! Your presence will be so appreciated, and we hope you will let us know you can help! You can find the volunteer registration link on Realm or you can email Kristen Rank at