
Welcome to Christ Online, where you can join any of our 3 live-stream Sunday worship services as they are happening or anytime at your convenience.

In addition to in-person classes, we also offer a variety of hybrid Sunday School and Adult Education classes and Bible Studies throughout the week. See listings below to join on Zoom. See you in class!


Sunday January 26, 2025

8:45 AM

Christ Providence Traditional Worship

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Sunday January 26, 2025

11:00 AM

Christ Providence Contemporary Worship

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Christ Kids TV

New episode every Sunday

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Coffee With the Pastors

Wednesday - 9:00 AM

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Join with a pastor of Christ Lutheran each week to continue the discussion of our current book and how it relates to our Christian lives today. Open to all. This class also meets in person at Christ Providence (W150).

Faith Fellowship: The Bible & Beyond

Sunday - 10:00 AM

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Study for Jan. 5 - March 2: Parables: The Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Revealed Through the Stories Jesus Told. “Jesus’ parables were ingeniously simple word pictures with profound spiritual lessons” is the opening statement by author and Pastor John MacArthur in the introduction to his study series Parables. Often challenged by the religious elite, Jesus used common, everyday events to illustrate the message of His teachings to engage them, but which also pointed to deeper, more complex truths for those really seeking Him. He planted memorable word pictures worthy of contemplating, discussing and rooting more deeply into the mind and spirit so much so, we are still doing so today. Each session of the 9-week study presents a main topic, session objectives, related Scripture, parable references, and key points, concluding with reflections on how we might integrate them into our lives in practical ways today. This class also meets in person in Forum A&B. Led by Barbara Burton, Milt Marin, Miriam Morrison, John Stensrud, and Barbara Anderson.

The Crew

Sunday - 10:00 AM

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Join us as we delve deeper into The Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas. We will kick off our discussion by revisiting chapters 1-5 and then move ahead to chapter 6. All are invited to take part in this timely conversation. We look forward to having you join us! This class also meets in person in W150. Led by David Deeds.

CLC Book Club

Sunday - 10:00 AM

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The Adult Book Club is open to anyone. We read and discuss books of all kinds, but primarily books on faith, our relationship with God, human nature, scripture, or biographies of faith leaders. Our discussions can be lively and frank. We do not shy away from controversial topics. We thrive on competing opinions, but we expect civility and respect for one another. Even if you have not read the assigned chapter, we encourage everyone to attend. We’ll catch you up and let you talk anyway! Sometimes there are donuts (when we meet in person). All are welcome. This class also meets in person in Lackey Parlor. Led by Dan Hansen and Carl Edgren.

Pastor Scott's Class: The Gospel of Luke

Wednesday - 6:00 PM

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John highlights the divinity of Jesus. Matthew accents the Jewish roots of Jesus. But the good physician and companion of Paul, Luke, draws us into the humanity of Jesus who gives special attention to the marginalized in society. Bring your Bibles and a highlighter as Pastor Scott walks us through this amazing Gospel chapter by chapter. Led by Pastor Scott Suskovic. This class also meets in person in Forum A&B.

Watch past classes here