Duration 2 Weeks
Generosity is less about the amount and more about the heart. And we know that God is all about the heart. For two weeks, we are going to combine our stewardship with the songs of Tasha Layton. Tasha is a contemporary Christian artist who appeared on American Idol and has won several awards. She will perform a concert at Christ Lutheran on October 27th. Her words of gratitude for all God has done fit nicely into our theme of a generous heart.
Philippians 4:10-13; John 6:1-13
In this song, Tasha Layton speaks about the wreckage in her life and the years of blaming others. When she encountered God who overcame the hurt and tossed it all into the sea, the voice whispered deep within her, “It’s gonna be OK.” It is with gratitude that we place our past into God’s arms of mercy and our future into his embrace of hope.
1 Timothy 1:14-17; Luke 5:1-11
How far will God’s love and mercy go? If I run away, He pursues me. If I sin, He is eager to forgive. If I forget Him, He can never forget me. How far will God’s love and mercy go? There are no boundaries, there are no miles, there are no sins that have ever discovered the limits of God’s love. It is with a heart of gratitude that we will never know how far God’s love will go.