
Pastor's Blog

Where Two or Three are Gathered… on Zoom

Where Two or Three are Gathered… on Zoom

- May 5, 2020

It has been too long since we have been able to come together in the sanctuary for worship. I miss seeing everyone as we gather in the pews and share the peace among each other. So how are you doing? How is your family? What have you been doing during this time of social distancing to help the time go by? For me and my husband, we have been watching a lot of romcoms (he has been generous in letting me pick the movies lately), trying new recipes, and taking our dog for walks. We are doing okay, but I miss my youth group. I mean, really miss them. Don’t get me wrong, we are still meeting online and I am thankful for the technology that allows us to do so, but there is something different about gathering together in one space to worship our God. I am looking forward to being able to play games together in the pit, to share meals on Fusion youth nights, and to sit down face to face for conversations and devotions. But here is the good news—whether we meet in the church or online, God always shows up. Of course, our Sunday services have been online, but our youth have also been gathering on Zoom calls each week for the Experience and Sunday school. During those times, we share music, games, devotions, and weekly highlights or God moments. Even though I may be sitting at home in my pajamas and slippers, I am connecting with youth. I am hearing about where God has shown up for them throughout their weeks and how they have felt His love. It is through these times of online fellowship that I can feel the Holy Spirit and I am grateful for our church community. “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am with them.” -Matthew 18:20 The Experience choir sings a song each year that is based on this verse and I often find myself singing it, even during this strange time. Yes, being gathered in person would be ideal, but when two or three are gathered (even on Zoom) in the name of the Lord, He is still with us. While I anxiously anticipate when we can be together again, I am grateful for God’s presence in our community here and now. The Holy Spirit is present and moving during our online time of fellowship, sharing comfort during these uncertain times, joy in appreciating the little things, and love within our community. How great it is to have a God who is not particular of how we gather, but just that we are doing so in His name. For when we do, He helps us to stay connected, and fills our hearts with love and joy.