
Pastor's Blog

Sabbatical Plans

Sabbatical Plans

Pastor Scott - June 4, 2023

That’s The Council and Personnel Committee have always been very generous and supportive of the well being of the staff. For those on Leadership Team, they provide time for a sabbatical of 6weeks every five years. This time away is not just an extended vacation but a time of education or writing or spiritual renewal or wellness.

I will be taking the month of July off as my next sabbatical as a time of getting healthy. Not that I am unhealthy, but as I’ve entered into my 60s, I want this decade to be one of establishing healthy patterns that will take me long into retirement—one day, many years from now!

So, I will be focusing on several different aspects of wellness.

· While I exercise several times a week, I want to establish a more intentional workout routine.

· With many evening commitments, Gretchen and I have found ourselves eating our meals closer to 9:00 pm. That seems to work for the Italians, but I’m not sure if that is the healthiest pattern for us!

· It has been a couple of busy years with my work/life balance a bit askew. So, Gretchen and I will take time to be together, hiking and traveling Iceland.

· I want to work on some more consistent spiritual disciplines that will keep me centered and focused.

July is the best time for me to do this as many of the activities at church have slowed down in preparation for the fall. We will have complete pastoral coverage with Pastor Ryan and Deacon Kenny. I encourage you to reach out to them with any needs you might have.

I am very appreciative of the Council and Personnel Committee allowing me this time for health and wellness. It will give me the rest and excitement I need to return in August to start planning and preparing for a busy fall. It is truly a gift for which I am deeply thankful.


Pastor Scott