
Pastor's Blog

Rite of Confirmation - Sunday, August 25

Rite of Confirmation - Sunday, August 25

Pastor Scott - August 19, 2024

I remember my confirmation in 1976. I was in ninth grade. Pastor Knutson had the words taped to the back of his hands as he laid his hands on my head and recited the prayer, “Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in Scott the gifts of your Spirit. . .” I remember the party afterwards and the cards with the gifts of a five-dollar bill, maybe even a ten! I remember buying golf clubs with my confirmation money.

What I don’t remember is feeling anything different inside of me. Truth be told, confirmation was something everyone did. We suffered through the classes with our pastors, went on a retreat or two with our friends and at that time, when we were confirmed, then we received our first communion.

But even if I didn’t experience any lightning bolt sensation, I know now that God was present, and his promises remained true in my life, even if I didn’t fully appreciate them or acknowledge them at the time. Without fully understanding what I was doing, somehow, I got a sense that this faith I had been immersed in since my birth, was now my own. And I had to take full responsibility for it. 

On Sunday, we celebrate with our 19 confirmed as they make a public profession of their faith. Do they all get it?  Did they all complete all the work? Do they all want to be there? I’m not sure. But I do know the theme they selected for their confirmation says it all. God’s Promises. On Sunday, this is about God active in their lives, at whatever stage they are. These promises surround them to fill them with hope, remind them of his grace and assure them of his presence. And they will stand before their parents and peers, grandparents and pastors, and God himself saying that they believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. And for that, we stand with them in their confirmation.


Peyton Ausrud                          Claire Cannon                           Jack Contreras

Christian Cooke                         Slayden Davis                            Isaac Dunn

Joseph Feltovich                        Logan Garner                            Luke Gordon

Luke Longin                              Jack MacGregor                        Anna Milheim

Kara Nealon                              Carter Payton                            Addison Sturtz

Alyssa Sanchez                          Victoria Switzer                         Natalie Thompson

Nate Ward


In the words of Martin Luther, “This is most certainly true. . .”

Pastor Scott