
Pastor's Blog

When Life Feels Like a Rollercoaster

When Life Feels Like a Rollercoaster

Annabelle Laine, guest blogger - March 3, 2025

Hello everyone, 

I’m excited to share a message that God has placed on my heart. My prayer is that it speaks to you right where you are, offering encouragement and guidance as you navigate this week. 

When Life Feels Like a Rollercoaster

There are moments in life when the ride feels endless, and we can’t seem to catch our breath. The highs feel short, the lows feel longer, and we can’t seem to avoid the hard bumps. Maybe you’re there now—feeling bruised, exhausted, and beaten down. The struggles in life seem to have a rhythm of their own, where the joy of peaks can be followed by even deeper valleys.

The tough truth is that this is part of the journey. Life is filled with moments that feel like they’ll break us. Sometimes, it’s as if we can’t take one more bump or twist in the ride. Yet, in those times, we’re not alone. God promises to be with us through every high and low. When you feel stuck in the rollercoaster, remember that there’s a way to find God even in the mess.

Finding God in the Hard Moments

It’s easy to get lost in the frustration of the rollercoaster. We ask, “Where is God in this?” It’s natural to feel confused, exhausted, or even hopeless when life seems overwhelming. But God doesn’t leave us in these valleys. In fact, the valley might just be where He’s the closest.

When we feel weak, we need to remember: there’s nothing we go through that God hasn’t already equipped us to endure. As we face the bumps in the road, we can lean into the truth that we are not alone. God promises strength and endurance in the midst of our trials. 

The devil might work hard to distract or defeat us, but remember: God works harder.

The Gift of New Life

It’s hard to understand why pain and suffering are a part of this life. After all, Jesus, who walked through unimaginable suffering for us, promised us new life. But with that new life, He also warned us that we would face tribulation. Discomfort doesn’t just disappear, but through it, we’re drawn closer to the heart of Jesus, the One who knows suffering deeply.

In those difficult moments, we can find comfort in remembering what Jesus did for us—His sacrifice and victory over death. When He rose again, He not only gave us eternal life but also the strength to endure the pain of our current world. 

We are reminded that our trials and tribulations pale in comparison to the sacrifice He made for us.

Worship in the Wilderness

When Paul and Silas were thrown into prison for following Jesus, they were facing one of their lowest points. Imprisoned, bruised, and rejected, they could have so easily given up. But they chose to worship. In the darkness of their situation, they chose to sing praises to God. And in their worship, something powerful happened. Their chains were broken. 

The earth itself shook as a reminder that worship has the power to change our circumstances.

So, in the midst of your rollercoaster, remember that worship is a weapon. Even when the road feels rocky, when you’re at your lowest point, there is always an opportunity to lift your eyes to heaven and praise. 

Worship doesn’t just change us—it changes the atmosphere around us.


Lord, I come to You weary and worn from the rollercoaster of life. The highs and lows have me feeling stuck and drained, but I know that You are my strength in the valleys. I trust that there is nothing You bring me to that You won’t equip me to walk through. I thank You for the gift of new life through Jesus and the strength to endure whatever comes my way. Help me to find You in the tough moments, and give me the courage to worship even when it feels impossible. I know You are faithful, and Your love is constant. In Jesus’ name, Amen. “