It's the little things
By Jeff Taylor - November 2, 2020
An author once wrote "The problem with waiting is that when we wait, we think that nothing is happening. The truth is if we are waiting on God, all kinds of things are happening, and it can normally be found in the small things"
So here we are, the week of the election. After months of ads, debates and back and forth on social media, it is now time. Now throw on top of that all the stuff around the virus, and it has been some crazy times. If you are like me, we sometimes wait for something big to turn everything around; the election, a vaccine, etc. What I remembered this week is just how important the little things are in changing attitudes and outlook. As Community Minister for Christ South, I have seen community together in these trying times. In the midst of it all, a few moments have brought joy to my heart and those in the church. It hasn't been hundreds of folks gathered in worship in a building, but small gatherings with meaningful conversations and fellowship.

This past Saturday, Christ South held our Trunk or Treat Walk Thru at the Old Dairy Farm and it was a big success. What made it even more of a success was afterwards when a young lady came up to me with some tears in her eyes and said "this was my child's only chance to put on a costume and go out; it was a great blessing to see her smile". She said it may not be a big deal to some, but it was everything to her family. Her youngster had the chance to just do something as simple as dress up and gather candy.

In our virtual coffee house this past Sunday morning, I felt anxious about what was ahead this coming week and how things could get even crazier. Joe Simpkins was on the call and he told those in the coffee house how he always remembered his time as a pilot. He said "when the weather was rough and the clouds were dark and the takeoff was a little bumpy, I always knew that we would get above the clouds and the sun would shine. From the darkness we travelled into the light". A simple statement from a man who is Christ centered. At that time, he may not have known what that statement meant to me, but it changed my day in a big way.
Meanwhile we have hosted a face to face Bible study on Weds. nights and at the very first gathering, someone showed us their Bible that had been collecting dust in the corner. She brought it to the Bible study and simply said how great it was to simply gather in a small group and scroll through the pages; something we all forget to do at times. It wasn't a big moment with thunder and lightning; just a simple chance to open the word and talk about what we are all going through.

Finally, a month or so ago, we hosted the Providence High School football team for a gathering on the land. The players rotated in and out throughout the night and some parents stayed while their sons were there. A mom came up to me and simply said "I heard something from my son that I had not heard in a few months and that was his laugh". She said that simple laugh made that whole night worthwhile and meaningful. She said he had been anxious and depressed, but a simple small gathering with his friends made it so much better.

What does all this mean? Well to me, God is all around us in the littlest things; a smile, a phone call, a card, a simple recognition of beauty in all of God's children. There is no doubt the next few weeks could be crazy, but let us remember the littlest things mean the most. And it all comes from the greatest commandment to "Love one another". We are not Republicans or Democrats; we are children of God called to love one another. We are not conservatives or liberals; we are children of God called to love one another. We are not Trump supporters or Biden supporters; we are children of God called to love one another. It is that simple if we remember who we are and to whom belong. Love one another, be humble with one another, show grace to one another and share peace with one another. It is the little things in life that matter. Have a blessed week.
In Christ,
Jeff Taylor
Community Minister
Christ South