Got no Time
Pastor Tenny - February 1, 2021
3:00pm Made a schedule phone call. On cell phone.
3:09pm While on call, cell phone shows another call coming in Hit "ignore."
3:10pm Cell phone vibrates. "New voicemail messages."
3:14pm Office phone rings. Still on original 3:00 call. Ignore office phone.
3:15pm Office phone lights up. “New voicemail message.”
3:26pm Cell phone vibrates. Incoming call. Hit “send message”: “Can I call you later?”
3:27pm Cell phone vibrates. “New voicemail message.”
3:37pm Cell phone rings again. Hit “ignore.” Still on original call.
3:38pm Incoming text: “Your voicemail is full. Call me.”
OF COURSE IT’S FULL! Have days like this? Too busy talking on the phone to take another phone call? And it seems like the faster you clear out the messages, the faster they come in.
Too busy washing the dishes from breakfast to even begin to think about lunch?
The kids are home and competing for screen time to get their homework done, and you’re refereeing. Got no time to respond to that urgent work email.
The boss wants that report by the end of the day, and today is the day you’re shuttling your elderly parent between doctor’s appointments.
My Grandma used to have a plaque on her kitchen wall that read, “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.” That was yesterday.
Where do I find any time for God? When I’m so busy checking VM’s and answering texts and emails and driving between appointments and errands, how can I ever find time to connect with God?
Take a breath.
God is there. Always there. Right with us. In the good times. In the calm times. In the urgent. In the struggles. In the simple times.
We are not alone. You are not alone. I am not alone. God finds us, even when we may seem too busy for God. Even when God calls and we hit “ignore.” He’s still there.
Call Him sometime. You’ll see.
“…I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20b)
Peace, my friends.
Pastor Tenny
Got no time...