
Pastor's Blog

Fall Sunday Morning Schedule

Fall Sunday Morning Schedule

Pastor Scott - July 12, 2021

As we look at the fall schedule, Christ South and Christ Concord will continue to have worship on Sundays at 10:00. For Christ Providence, things are changing.

We have said several times during COVID that long-term planning is something like three weeks out. Guidelines change, variant strains emerge and people’s comfort levels fluctuate. How can you plan now for something even two months away?

But we have to make some plans because we can’t remain in flux forever.

So here is my thinking:

At first, I was thinking of having just two services that mirrored our summer schedule. Traditional service at 9:00 and a Contemporary one at 10:45. Perfect. Two great times to worship and with a lower, post-COVID attendance, we can nicely fill two services, plus the strain on the staff will be reduced. But what about Sunday School for the kids? What about the nine vibrant classes for the adults? What about the people who prefer the Bridge service at 10:00? Like proverbial dominos, one decision begins to topple the other.

So, after several white board variations, we are returning to the pre-COVID schedule come September 12, with some twists:

The risk with this schedule is that we will not have as many people post-COVID coming to church, making each of the worship services seem less full. Therefore, this schedule only works if people return to church. We will still rope off every other pew for social distancing. The worship spaces will be thoroughly cleaned and non-vaccinated people (including children, just like in CMS) will wear masks.

It’s time to come back for all the campuses. It’s time for the body of Christ to be reassembled.  It’s time to gather in person in the house of the Lord. We will begin this fall with this schedule.  If it doesn’t work, you know Christ Lutheran. We are not afraid to change our minds, alter our plans and make it work.  

It all starts September 12 with a new schedule (which is the old schedule) and a huge party after worship with a lunch for the entire family at each of our campuses. It will be a reunion. It will be a celebration. Come and see!


Pastor Scott