
Pastor's Blog

Wednesday Evening Lenten Worship

Wednesday Evening Lenten Worship

Pastor Scott - February 5, 2024

Lent comes early this year with Ash Wednesday coming on Valentine’s Day, February 14.  (Nothing says “I love you” more than taking your sweetheart to a worship service to talk about ashes, sin, and death!)

With Lent, faithful Christians like to mark these 40 days towards Easter by doing something different.  Often, we hear of people giving up something for Lent, like a mini fast. Some choose giving up desserts or alcohol or social media or a host of other vices. How about this year instead of giving up something, you take on something new?

Every Lent we offer a noontime worship service at 12:00 in Christ Chapel followed by a lunch in the Forum. This year, our noontime worship service will focus on the book of James. Consider making this a part of your Lenten discipline.

But this year, Try This!

We will offer an evening Lenten worship/teaching during our usual time, 6:00-7:30. Beginning on February 21, Pastor Adrienne and I will lead participants through a beautiful worship setting called Holden Evening Prayer. You will love it. As part of this worship, she and I will teach on The Emotional Facets of Jesus. Jesus experienced all the different emotions that you and I do. He felt anger, frustration, compassion, joy, and exhaustion.

Do something new for Lent this year. Consider joining us beginning February 21 for an evening worship service and time to learn about the emotional Jesus. It will not only open your eyes to the humanity of Jesus, but it will prepare your heart and soul for the glorious celebration of Easter yet to come!


Pastor Scott