
Pastor's Blog

Thankful for a Generous Congregation

Thankful for a Generous Congregation

Amy Daniels, Outreach - November 20, 2023

This year, Christ Lutheran Church will sponsor over 60 families for Thanksgiving. For some, it was a Thrivent Action Team and a Sunday School Class (thank you Miriam Morrison and Faith Fellowship!). For others, a frozen turkey and extra grocery bag of sides (thank you to all of our Feed a Family donors). And for 10-15 families that mostly live in hotels and could not cook a turkey, ONE Family in our congregation fries turkeys, purchases all of the sides and delivers all of those Thanksgiving Feasts before they sit down to eat their own Thanksgiving meal. What a wonderful congregation!!! And what blessings that we can share with our neighbors. God inspires generosity in individuals and in congregations. I am always thankful to serve in this congregation and with its generous members!!!

Happy Turkey Day!

Deacon Amy