
Pastor's Blog

Church Family: The Good Side of Getting Lost

Church Family: The Good Side of Getting Lost

Pastor Ryan - December 18, 2023

Where is my child? 

There were at least three of us with the exact same expression on our faces as we peered through the crowd on a Sunday morning. Our children, at least the ones in question, are not little babies. They are older. They know their way around. This is their church. 

They were “lost” because of the chaos that the Alternative Gift Market created. Oh, such wonderful chaos! If you missed it there was an onslaught of kids in the lower commons separated into various ages and genders vying for contributions to their cause. Check out the website for more info. Every cause is a good one, and despite the competition everyone was a winner as we, Christ Lutheran, raised funds for the needy. 

But where are our children? 

They are right where God wants them. Our job as parents is to raise our children up right. We have been entrusted with this task of seeing that they know, love, and fear the LORD. The first fruit of that endeavor is when a child takes their faith journey on to be their own. We bring them to church. Send them to Sunday School. Show them by our actions the importance of living a life of faith. And, if we’ve done a good job, at some point our children start to live their own life of faith. That's where our children were. They were fellowshipping. They were serving the poor. They were provoking their congregation to love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24)

After that chaotic Sunday, my eldest son had all kinds of stories to tell me. Some about the competition with the bake sale table which blows the roof off AGM every year. Some stories were about the hot sauce Mr. Brad brought. But through every story all I could hear was “I was loving life and living Church.” That’s all I need to know. 

I don’t need to know where my son is at all times if I know that he is living Church. I hope you might share my prayer that if ever our children might lose sight of their father that they never lose sight of our Father in Heaven. The Holy Spirit unites so that we can be more than a club but that we might be the Body of Christ, the living Church. Molding our children and living a life in Christ until He comes again. 

In the meantime, I’m going to charge my son’s device so I can use the tracker app.