Stay Informed
Pastor Drew
March 29, 2021
Back when I visited the ancient city of Ephesus in 2015, the last thing I expected to see in the streets was the Nike swoosh...
Time to read: 0 minutes
Amy Daniels
March 22, 2021
This year, God has been making this quote of Martin Luther’s alive for me in new ways...
Time to read: 10 minutes
Pastor Tenny
March 15, 2021
I oftn hav trouble focsing, but toda is reely bad. Just back frim the aye doctor, and my eys are deleted. Have no ides what im tipping. Everything ws out of focus as I walked out of the bulding after my appointmnt. And now, between the focs issues and auto-corect, I just hope that hothing I typ comes out offensive.
Time to read: 5 minutes
Pastor Scott
March 8, 2021
On Sunday, March7, we had a congregational meeting for the sole purpose of selling the acre lot across from the church office that is currently being used for our Garden Ministry. Over four years ago, we purchased that lot/home for $325,000. We had to demolish the house, add dirt, run irrigation and grade....
Time to read: 4 minutes
Pastor Melody
March 1, 2021
It’s coming – can you feel it? I have a strange feeling sitting here in my house looking out of my window. stop to analyze what it could be. Thinking through this weekend, I realize that it was amazing outside. We're just now starting to get those warm days...
Time to read: 4 minutes
Pastor Matt
February 22, 2021
You remember that game when you were younger? Yeah, that one. Everyone stands shoulder to shoulder (Oof...
Time to read: 4 minutes
Pastor Drew
February 15, 2021
For the most part, I love the act of remembering. In the same way that reading a good novel can transport you to another time and place, remembering can too...
Time to read: 5 minutes
Mark Glaeser
February 9, 2021
You know the game. A grid-like formation oflittle moles popping up in front of you. You whack one with your toy hammer andtwo more pop up. You move faster, whack those two, and another mole sneaks upin the corner. You are forever chasing and rarely catching all themoles...
Time to read: 5 minutes
Pastor Tenny
February 1, 2021
3:00pm Made a schedule phone call. On cell phone.3:09pm While on call, cell phone shows another call coming in Hit "ignore."3:10pm Cell phone vibrates. "New voicemail messages."....
Time to read: 3 minutes
Pastor Scott
January 25, 2021
At the annual meeting, I mentioned the Three Big Rocks that I will focus on in 2021. I wanted to share with you those focal points if you missed that meeting...
Time to read: 4 minutes
Pastor Melody
January 18, 2021
MLK Day. It just seems like another Federal holiday where we can’t go to banks and our mail won’t come. But this is a day that is different from most holidays...
Time to read: 3 minutes
Pastor Matt
January 11, 2021
It feels like 2021 said, “Hey 2020, hold my beer…” I saw someone post this week, “Ok, I’ve tried my 7-day free trial of 2021 and I want my money back.” I laughed out loud on that one. WOW. Really? So, this is how we’re starting the year?
Time to read: 6 minutes
Pastor Drew
January 4, 2021
There is a popular show out on Netflix right now called The Queen’s Gambit. It follows a young orphan, Beth Harmon, who emerges from a hard childhood to....
Time to read: 4 minutes
Justin Mauney, Seminarian
December 28, 2020
Hello and happy holidays, Christ Lutheran family! My name is Justin Mauney and I am a former member of CLC and a current student at Luther Seminary. For those of you who may not know me personally....
Time to read: 5 minutes
Gretchen Suskovic
December 21, 2020
Since 2001, I have worked for the church as the New Member Coordinator. What that means is that I identify visitors coming to the church and try....
Time to read: 3 minutes